Illustrator Katherina Manolessou has created a number of limited edition books working with silk screen, linocut and letterpress printing. These personal projects have helped her to visually narrate stories and develop her illustration work. She finds taking charge of the whole process, from idea generation to bookbinding.
Manolessou states that 'skills in typography, design and layout are essential for an image-maker, enabling you to speak the designer/art director's language, create self-promotional material and engage in a wider variety of projects. Manolessou also collaborates on book projects with illustrator and printmaker Otto Dettmer.
I like the use of accordion binding to bring the colours of the illustration instantly to the viewer. As if presenting an overview of the narrative story in a shot.
Image from Website
Write up: Wigan, Mark. Text and Image. Singapore: AVA Publishing SA, 2008.
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